Sunday, February 24, 2008

sunday = funday

This is my new favorite song, and perfectly fitting for my mood today..

It's bright and sunny out and tonight is the BEST night on television..the Academy Awards! Yeay, I look forward to this stupid show all year, I don't know why. And this year I've seen a ton of the movies, so I'm super excited to see who wins what. Here are a few of my predictions:

Best lead actor- Daniel Day Lewis, There will be blood
Best supporting actor- Javier Bardem, No country for old men (duh, he was amazing)
Best lead actress- either Julie Christie, Away from her or Marion Cotillard, La vie en rose
Best supporting actress- it might go to Amy Ryan, Gone baby gone, but I hope it goes to Cate Blanchett for Im not there (best actress ever)
Best Picture- Im going to go for No Country...

Not sure if Angelina and her big baby belly will be there, but I can't wait to see some of the dresses. It better not be a snoozefest like last year!

Anyway, last night I got fancy (aka new fake (human!) hair and party dress) for a birthday party at the lovely Miss Erin S's apartment. There are a few pics below, but my camera really kind of sucks flash-wise. It's either too bright with the flash, or too dark without. Do camera's come with a half-flash? Different flash options? I have no idea, but this is constantly driving me crazy.

me & kiley, gemini twins

Miss Erin, birthday girl extraordinaire

this is champagne with an edible Hibiscus flower in it. we don't mess around.

The party was so much fun, and it felt great to be out in real life again. Erin and David have the most amazing apartment 26 floors above the city with views for miles and impeccable taste. I like to just sit up there and look around at everything, it's really a great space. Although I'm sure their NEW space will be even more gorgeous, and it's going to be just a few blocks from ME! Yeay- Erin and David are buying in Fishtown, and literally just 2 min walk away!! I love this neighborhood and the fact that it keeps filling up with people I love. It's going to be a great spring and summer.

Ok, I have to go. Abby is hollering at me to get ready.. xo.


Jess said...

seriously you look great. you need to think about converting your cds to mp3s before posting cause I can't hear the song of the day!! and it makes me sad...
I love you. Call me today.

Anonymous said...

Love the hair!!!

Love you!!! Roxy


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