Tuesday, March 25, 2008

and the award goes to..

Well, me. I mean to say that they literally gave me an award to commemorate the end of chemo. All I want to know is- where can I get this thing certified? Whoever is in charge of this crazy ride better be paying attention and take note of the fact that I passed this shitty course with flying colors- I even have the gold friggin stars to prove it- and I'm not really interested in taking a repeat. No summer sessions, no fall term- graduated and changing careers and leaving the state if I have to. Over it.

In other news, see sexy Ativan eyes below... This is me after a 4 hour chemo fest/blood transfusion and I'm just waking up but still all wonked out from the Ativan cocktail. If you ever see these eyes in person just do me a favor, smile and nod. Do not think that I will remember a single second of anything I say/promise/agree to because I am not at home. In fact I do remember yesterday somewhere in this haze that I had formed a new plan- I was going to write to Angelina Jolie and see if I could join forces with her and help starving babies all over Africa. This was literally my plan of action that sounded so lucid and right on, I was going to make it HAPPEN. Tomorrow. Forget the fact that I have two dogs, a brand new house, kind of had a rough two years myself, and oh- it's insane.

Anywho, now I'm back to reality and actually feeling pretty crappy. Kind of a constant sense of- ugh I want to puke, but I'm not going to. It'll pass and I just keep telling myself that it's the last time I have to feel this way. I'm trying to be Buddha about it and embrace it and sit with it so that next week I'll feel that much better having paid attention to what I went through. Buddha and drugs will see me through this..

Yesterday was actually kind of amazing in that all day long I received emails, phone calls, text messages, posts on this site, all from people who love me and are pulling for me. I found it incredibly moving, every half hour or hour I had another reminder that I am well loved and am not in this alone. So, thank you. So much.

Now I have to go and put my game face on.. I'm meeting with the central AC guy at 11 and the siding guy at 1115. Im going to start working on house things this week. Maybe I'll even buy a camera so I can start documenting this process and stop being that weird creepy girl taking pictures of all the neighbors houses with her cell phone...


Anonymous said...

Not only did you pass with flying colors, you were voted "Best Dressed" and "Lease Likely to Puke".

Pease out chemo. Your kind is not welcome around here no more!

Jess said...

I will miss the ativan eyes, but glad to know you won't be saying "when did that happen?" let the brain cells regrow!! I can't wait until next week when you start to feel better and realize you will feel even better the next rather than back to the grind. Love those pups for me and Hi to Roxy- hope you love the bed as much as you remember. And buy a frame for your award.

Jessica said...

i just want you to know that every time i click on design*sponge or apartment therapy i think of you and all of your exciting house stuff coming up. which means i have thought of you about 500 times today.

andi fully support buying a camera, if for no other reason than to take before and after shots. they are the best, especially when entrenched in the renovations and you feel like it will never be finished, you can look at the before and see how far the space has come.

ok, i am done, see you on saturday lovely lady.

Anonymous said...

An award - excellent. Definitely frame it, but then time to move on - into spring, sunshine, feeling good, flowers, decorating, sun on your face.

Love you mucho,

Anonymous said...

Hey...I have one of those!! I got one when I finished radiation!! It seems silly, but at the same time I will never throw that stupid certificate out!!! Anyway...congrats!!! Being done with treatment is such a roller-coaster ride!! I will be living a normal life and then I will have a few days where I will remember what I have just been through (actually, everyday I think about the stupid cancer) and start to freak out a little!!! Ugh...annoying!!! But, each day definitely gets better!!! Yeay for you!!! Hang in there and get your butt down to MD. so we can go to the mindfulness class together!!! The day changed...now it is offered on Wednesday nights (around 7). I'm going to get my sister to go too!!! I'll talk to you soon!!!

Much love,

Enfievre said...


You make me proud. Home tomorrow for baby time Todd walk. It's time for spring-new plants, new buds, new herbs, new boys!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet text. All is good in Twinville. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face soon!


Anonymous said...

so i was totally wrong. with your site, you have to download some program to subscribe to your feed. i'll do some recon and get back to you. jess


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