Saturday, March 15, 2008

the fish

Fishtown photos..
The Rag Flats

Berks Hewson- (green roof, rainwater collection tank, solar thermal panels on roof, and a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle comes with the house)

This is a car for sale in the neighborhood that makes me nostalgic for a car my mom had when Jess and I were tiny (except that it was dark blue not baby blue, and probably didn't look anything like this in actuality).


I don't know what they're calling this one but it's about 2 blocks from my house and I think the ground floor is going to be retail space, maybe a coffeeshop?

I took these photos with my phone a few weeks ago while walking the dogs. I don't know why I posted them today except that maybe it's because I had to let my contractor in at 830 this morning to begin work on the inside of the house, and it got me excited. He said he's going to try and tear down all the ceilings today, so I'll stop by later and take some pictures. Anyway, I slept horribly last night and am convinced today that I have a brain tumor, but I'm trying to rally anyway and take my dogs to the park. We'll see how that goes.


Anonymous said...

so we actually had a blue amc hornet - amazing that you would remember. It was a real bast**d of a car and you were just teeny at the time. Sorry to hear you have brain cancer, hopefully it will be gone tomorrow :)

Pete and I took Grandma with us to see The Savages - a great, but tough movie and I think in the end she would have preferred to stay home and watch basketball with Little Bear...

Still painting the bathroom
Love you

Jess said...

Hope there was sleeping last night. Your brain needs it. I don't remember the car at all, but the fish is looking good. Hope you are ceilingless today and take some tylenol for your stress headache. Mom says she'll send pics of the bathroom when it's done. Love, Love, Love.


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