Friday, April 18, 2008

AND, breathe...

Today I got the news that I have been waiting to hear- the results of the CAT scan came back clean. This means there is "No Evidence of Disease" in my body, or NED. I really kind of hate the word NED and always imagine someone fairly unattractive when I hear it (sorry if that's your name), but today I'M Ned, and couldn't be happier.

Dr. Sun told me that I'm a 'true cancer survivor".. I think he means like a warrior I've been dealt some of the worst blows and I just keep coming back fighting. Never underestimate us tiny guys.. small but mighty! They do (of course) want me to gain weight, which I'm trying hard to do. I've gained two pounds since chemo ended, and will continue to gain slowly I'm sure. Last summer I had gained all of my weight back by the end of August. I have about 15 more pounds to gain, how long does that normally take? I have no idea.

Anyway I'm so glad that this scan came back clean; I told the nurses that were taking my blood that it better come back clean because I'm too busy to deal with this shit anymore. Cancer is very time consuming, and I have a lot going on. No time for this nonsense.

But today I have time..I'm sitting in my backyard listening to my neighbors fight about going out too much, and lots of F bombs are being dropped and doors are being slammed, and I'm just glad that's not my life. My dogs are sleeping in the sun and I'm thanking whoever for being able to be here today. Tonight, I shall celebrate.


Anonymous said...

On behalf of Abby E, Jess, Eric, Keri, Liz, LoGro, Jed and Danielle, all who emailed or spoke their excitement for your news, we say A-MAZING.
What a collective sigh of relief.

Jess said...

Hooray, let your life resume! Um, 15 lbs usually takes me about a week and a half so maybe you need others to weigh in on that...or just a week and a half at my house. I know you're way too busy for that though. I can't wait until I do see you though. It's been what, 3 years???

Anonymous said...

YEA! :) I cannot wait to help you gain weight...I know some good fat laden recipes! - Love, Lyd

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Computador, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being NED!!! I've only known one person with that name and he was actually pretty hot. I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you!!! I know that I am a little late, but I really hope that you celebrated....I'm sure you did!!! I can't wait to hear those words myself...1 1/2 months to go!!! Anyway, that's great!!! As far as the 15 lbs...I'm with doesn't take me to long...I'd actually like to lose about 15 lbs.!!! Talk soon...CONGRATS!!!

xo, Jen


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