Thursday, February 21, 2008

mess with the bull...

Im already being asked why I haven't put up a 'song of the day' yet today. I have been thinking about it, as I do on most days (who doesn't think about their theme music on a daily basis?), but I've been running around today and it's already changed about 5 times. But the theme has been consistent thru all of the songs, and it really does reflect the kind of day I had today. Today's theme song is by Jane's Addiction, from the album Ritual de la Habitual, which came out in 1990. Check it out here:

Listening to this CD brings back SO many memories of pre-teen early 90's angst. Worshiping my older cousins for turning me on to bands like this and The Cure, as well as blue eyeliner and 'the wave'. Flannel shirts and cut off Levi's. Feeling very oppressed by 'The Man', aka my mom. If I had a scanner I would totally put up a few pictures, I was the epitome. Im actually looking at the CD now, and it even has wax drips on the cover from a burning candle- Classic!

Anyway, you may ask how that relates at all to my day, and I'll tell you. There's kind of a rumble going on about the new house. I had the home inspection and made an agreement with the seller on what was found, but then I had to go back in to the house to complete the radon portion of the inspection, and on that day it was raining and there was water coming in from the ceiling in my dining room! Needless to say, this was a shock to me. I knew I needed certain things fixed, but this was a new problem that came up after the inspection was agreed upon, and long story short is that we are going to work it out, but the contractor and the realtor really got into it today and of course I'm right in the middle of every battle.

So it was just a lot of friction and then later I was coming back to my car in the city and I see the Phila Parking Authority writing me a ticket. I hollered from across the street and he looked up and shook his head and said- NOPE- and just kept chewing his gum and writing. I got a $41 ticket for being 5 minutes late (and he completely had the power to take it back if I stopped him while he was in the middle of writing it). But he refused, choosing instead to snap his gum in my face and give me the f*cking ticket. I seriously considered pulling out the C card, but I don't even know if he would have believed me since I was all fired up and feisty. I don't think I looked very sick at the moment, just crazy. So instead I screamed at him that he was an asshole and took the ticket and got in my car. Gahh! I wonder how many times a day that guy gets called an asshole, anyway. It's pretty much the worst job in Philadelphia.

So, it just felt like that kind of mood... kind of like- everyone else needs to get out of my face! But not in a serious way, not tragically- just dramatically.

But my day is about to get so much brighter since there is a new episode of LOST on tonight and I'm so excited, I just can't hide it... I'm about to lose control and I think I like it (name that tune). Plus settlement is 1 week from today and Charlie is asleep in my lap and Boss asleep at my feet and so really, life is pretty damn good right in this moment.

I'm going to search the vast reaches of the Internets now for a new couch. Sigh..


Jess said...

hmm, song no playie...bummer.

need to resume my relentless voting...

Anonymous said...

Hey...first of all, thanks for all of the advice the other day!! I'm driving myself crazy these days!! But, I'm really excited because I'm starting a yoga nidra and mindfulness class next week. I never got into stuff like this, so I'm pretty excited. I always read that you were going to yoga...and I thought ummmm I should try that!! Then, I miraculously came into contact with woman that teaches these classes, so I thought it was meant to be!!! Okay...enough rambling about me!!

Unfortunately, I am not able to listen to the music...I'm sure it's my stupid computer! However, I know the song...and I think it is an excellent choice!! I feel your pain about the parking ticket...just got one myself...and I too tried to stop the little ticket-writing man...but I ended up with a ticket anyway!!! Anyway, enjoy Lost. Talk soon...take care of you!!!

Lotsa love,

Anonymous said...

Rowan is so bad-ass with his black eye.


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