Monday, February 25, 2008


This is what my kitchen sink looks like. Ever since I found out that I'm going to have a dishwasher in the new house, it has been even harder than usual to make myself handwash them here on Almond. I think I honestly would just not do them anymore, except that I don't have enough dishes or counter space to last me until I move. I don't mind cleaning, I love doing laundry, but dirty dishes are my arch nemesis. Especially when I'm sick and tired, the last thing I want to do is DISHES. Paul and I are getting sushi tonight, so I don't have to worry about the fact that I don't have any clean dishes to eat off of for one more day.

Umm, so the music thing- ahhh!!! Can anyone explain to me why some songs work and others don't? The song I was trying to play yesterday is called A-Punk by Vampire Weekend. I bought the album off of Itunes, and I guess whatever format it's in won't allow me to share it. But if I put up a song from my Itunes library that is from one of my old CD's, it shares fine. Can someone, anyone, please please help me with this? I tried to figure it out last night but got too frustrated. I either need to allow something, or change the file type, but I have no idea further than that.

The Oscar's were good, I thought Jon Stewart did a great job and his jokes were pretty hilarious. I really like his sense of humor. Apparently he only had 9 days to prepare with his writers because of the strike, but he really pulled it off. The dresses were MEH. Beautiful and safe, which to me can be really boring. I swear I saw the same red one shouldered dress in 5 different versions. I don't even have a favorite, they were all just fine. I don't know what was wrong with me though, I kept getting all teary every time someone won. I get so proud and happy for them, like I know them or something. I am delusional. Marion Cotillard won for La vie en Rose, and she gave such a sweet and heartfelt acceptance speech- I loved it. Plus she is so gorgeous, and I kind of loved and hated her dress at the same time. She was probably the most out of the box actress of the whole night, but of course she is French. Anyway, my predictions were pretty right on, I think I only missed one.

I have a gazillion things to do today and chemo tomorrow at 9am. Also, I am listening to the news right now, and I just heard that there was a teenage boy that was shot on his 16th birthday, over a snowball fight. Apparently he threw a snowball at a neighbor by accident and the man then went home and got his gun and came back and shot him in the head. WTF is wrong with people??? It makes me sick to my stomach.

Happy Monday, right?


Nonna said...

So - I know I have always said that you should always write whatever you feel and audience be d*mned, but posting a picture of your sink might be going to far....

Anonymous said...

erin,go to the thrift store then you will have way to many dishes!!! can not wight to hear all about the new house and see pictures. hope you get some before you make any changes. it really is amazing the change in just pant color.or other small chages. hows the new wendy

Jess said...

you totally need to take before pictures. I guess you already have some, but get a ton. I like to see your dish bin- and seeing your dishes makes me feel like I've seen you recently. Mom just doesn't want to see them because she's washed them more than her fair share...
Hooray hooray. I'm excited. Except for that whole murder crazy city you live in. That doesn't happen here (hint hint).

Anonymous said...

Hey there!!! I don't have a dishwasher I completely understand!! Hint-pack all of your dishes except one of every kind. Then you will be forced to wash them, but it won't be as many!!! I should take my own advice sometimes :)! Hope chemo day isn't too bad. Talk to ya soon....Jen


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