Saturday, February 2, 2008

who's the boss now?

Charlie just peed on Boss's head. You might ask- wait..what? how? why? But really, Boss should know by now that he can't mess with Charlie when he has a work in progress. It wasn't really Charlie's intention to pee on him; he is just a machine and feels the need to alert every square inch of Fishtown of his neighborhood (and eventual world) domination. And Boss's face just happened to get in Charlie's way. The worst part is that all I did was laugh so hard and neither of them seemed to notice or care..gross..

I feel MUCH better today and am heading out to ReStore, looking for inspiration for the new house, plus an old banister or two. Later I'm going to see Juno with Lyd and Abby. I heard it's great and can't believe I haven't seen it yet.

The pic above is of the boys in their favorite chair in the house (notice how it's ripped to shreds from bulldog toenails) this morning. They like to sit there and keep an eye on Almond Street and haze the mailman as he walks by.

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